Thursday, June 13, 2013

// But.. I don't have anything to wear //

Hey guys.

So I'm going to start this new thing where I post "a song of the day" .. or week.. or whenever I blog again.. hah

I'm open to any type of music.. so if I like a song.. from any genre.. I'll share it with you.

 Lovely Clothes & People!!

I know we've all been there.

Searching through our piles of clothes in our closest but, somehow.. still have nothing to wear.

So what does one do to find something to wear.. ?
.. Go to the mall?

.. Go online shopping?

.. Go in your sisters closest?

.. Go to your "inspirational pictures" folder on your PC?

Whenever I don't know what to wear I always look at pictures I have saved over the years for inspiration. Some are random and ridiculous but they stood out for me at the time so I would go ahead and safe them. It was basically my own personal "Pinterest" before Pinterest was even introduced to me.

But, I do have a Pinterest now.. so you should check it out  ;)

So... these photos are clusters of my favorite outfits. I would look at these pictures among many others to inspire me to come up with cute outfits with clothes I already own.

Of course I wish I had the money to buy a different outfit for everyday in the year but.. lets face it. I'm broke.

Anywho, as you can tell I love the bohemian/maxi dress/prints.. type of style but, I also love grungy/edgy/laid back clothes as well. So whenever I can merge the two.. (leather jacket/ girly dress combo anyone???)

 I am a happy gal.

So there you have it.. hope you enjoyed the pictures!

 .: Marlena :.

--> I don't own any of these pictures.. (or remember where they came from) <--

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

// Lovely Photos //

These are just some pictures I've saved over the years.. (i didn't take any of these pictures.. i wish i did!)

They have struck me and inspired me.. so I hope you get inspired too!
