Hey guys.
So I'm going to start this new thing where I post "a song of the day" .. or week.. or whenever I blog again.. hah
I'm open to any type of music.. so if I like a song.. from any genre.. I'll share it with you.
Lovely Clothes & People!!
Searching through our piles of clothes in our closest but, somehow.. still have nothing to wear.
So what does one do to find something to wear.. ?
.. Go to the mall?
.. Go online shopping?
.. Go in your sisters closest?
.. Go to your "inspirational pictures" folder on your PC?
Whenever I don't know what to wear I always look at pictures I have saved over the years for inspiration. Some are random and ridiculous but they stood out for me at the time so I would go ahead and safe them. It was basically my own personal "Pinterest" before Pinterest was even introduced to me.
But, I do have a Pinterest now.. so you should check it out ;)
So... these photos are clusters of my favorite outfits. I would look at these pictures among many others to inspire me to come up with cute outfits with clothes I already own.
Of course I wish I had the money to buy a different outfit for everyday in the year but.. lets face it. I'm broke.
Anywho, as you can tell I love the bohemian/maxi dress/prints.. type of style but, I also love grungy/edgy/laid back clothes as well. So whenever I can merge the two.. (leather jacket/ girly dress combo anyone???)
I am a happy gal.
So there you have it.. hope you enjoyed the pictures!
.: Marlena :.
--> I don't own any of these pictures.. (or remember where they came from) <--